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Results: 187

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Both house prices and mortgage lending rose in 2016, demonstrating the resilience of the UK property...

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According to the Office of Fair Trading, there are approximately 85,000 complaints about home buildi...

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Most property developers are well aware of the dangers of buying property blindly. But even if you'v...

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When thinking of a new-build home, it's easy to assume that everything will be perfect, but even new...

Most properties come with boundaries, whether in the form of a fence, hedge, building, road or even...

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Moving to London isn't cheap - but with four out of five people not investing in a detailed survey,...

RICS stands for Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. It is the international body that regulate...

/ by /News, Tips

Surveying is a topic that most people only have a basic knowledge of, but there are so many importan...

If you're looking to buy a new home, you'll need to know if you share any walls, fences or boundarie...