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Viewing category: News

Results: 182

One of the questions that might be puzzling is whether your planned purchase is in a radon gas hotsp...

There are many elements of moving home that can give rise to tensions, multiple questions and stress...

The newspapers love to overplay sink-holes when they appear.

According to an article by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), AI is set to revolut...

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After a summer of concern about the state of RAAC, the government has taken the decision to shut cer...

How up-to-date is the electrical system? If there is gas coming into the building, does the piping a...

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Asbestos in its purest form, and in an undamaged state, is not deemed harmful. It is only when it is...

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The problem with any building is that they can all be subject to structural problems, whether by poo...

TPO is a legal instrument, overseen and managed by the council, to prevent a tree being cut down, cu...