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07 Mar, 2025/ by Surveyor Local /Tips

How big is Britain's vermin problem?

There is a story that states that no-one in Britain is more than five metres away from a rat. Whether this suggestion is true - some versions extend the distance, others shorten it - what is known is that there is a general problem with rats, mice and other vermin in Britain.

What is Considered Vermin?

Certain locations, usually rural in nature, will have more problems with infestations of rats and mice, which come into the properties from the fields and other areas looking for a source of food as well as safety, security and warmth in which to breed.

Common causes of rodent infestations

The chief causes for the rodents to find a home in your property are:

  • Structural damage - cracks and holes in the foundations, walls, doors and windows are sufficient for the animals to squeeze through. With many structures having a hollow wall, and others with cellars and loft spaces with openings, these are all common entry points.
  • Plumbing - one of the key requirements is access to water, so if the structure of a home has allowed the rodents access to the property, plumbing problems that create pooling or dripping water will give them a ready source.
  • Food - and, of course, they will need food, which will be in ready supply in most homes, even if they are packed away in cupboards and containers. Making it more difficult to access will improve the chances of eventually getting rid of them.
  • Rubbish - one of the problems is the frequency with which rubbish is picked up, particularly where there is old food involved. However, there is a further problem created where rubbish is piled up outside, perhaps because it doesn't fit within the supplied bins.

Untidy environment - rodents need somewhere to make a nest, so clutter and untidy piles of clothing and other materials make a great place for them to settle down to breed.

The rapid reproduction of rodents

One female mouse can be pregnant on average 7 or 8 times a year, giving birth to seven or eight pups in each litter, which makes the one mouse the mother of as many as 60 pups in the one year. It is for this reason that it is important that the problem is quickly identified and dealt with.

Health and structural risks of infestations

The critical issue for the homeowner is primarily the effect on the health of those living in the property, because of all the diseases that the rodents can spread once they are in, but also important is the damage they can cause to the structure of the building.

The cartoon image of a dome-shaped hole in the skirting board is based on reality: they will chew through most materials, which not only looks awful but can cause serious damage from impeding the structural integrity to causing electric black-outs and even fires.

Therefore, it is essential to bring in a reputable company to seek out the sources of any infestation and set up traps and other devices to eradicate the problem. If the infestation has been lengthy and is serious, it's also a good idea to get a professional to assess the damage and advise on the steps to take to fix any of the damage highlighted.

It is also something to consider when you are looking at purchasing your next property. If there is strong evidence of a current infestation, it might give you pause for reflection on whether to take the transaction forward or to find somewhere else.

Get a professional survey before you buy

To assist with this process, you should appoint a Chartered Surveyor to give their report based on their knowledge and experience. They will look for evidence - obvious will be the smell of urine and the appearance of the pellet-like stools, but also the teeth-marks on wood, electrical wiring, even the insulation.

Based on this, they will give you a clear and easy-to-understand report that defines the seriousness of the current infestation and the damage that has been caused, in addition to providing their professional assessment of the remedial work that needs to be carried out and the likely cost of those remedies.

If you are planning on buying a property that looks as if it has had a vermin infestation either currently or in the past, you'll want to get a professional assessment of any existing problems and what the remedial effort and cost will be with a RICS Level 3 Survey

At Surveyor Local, we only work with chartered surveyors who are members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, ensuring the survey you get is always professionally delivered.

They will work hard to identify all kinds of problems, including the impact of prior flooding on the structure of the property.

Call  to get your no-obligation survey quote started, or to discuss your concerns with the acquisition of your planned property.

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